
Gotong Royong preparation welcomes foreign tourists grows in the event Wonderful Sail 2 tomorrow in the village of Sudaji.
Customary Village Prajuru Sudaji mereresik in Pura Kahyangan three, POKDARWIS management which is assisted by the sons of SD 3 Sudaji do gotong royong in Village Field sudaji, some in acts as a double, partly preparing the stage where art performance.
The cooperation is very solid. Although the move number can be calculated with your finger, they remain enthusiastic and hope that the villagers Sudaji heart stirred to participate and maintain the cleanliness of the village of us.
# We want to resolve the problem without having to discuss other people, but we speak to resolve the problems that we face.

Gotong Royong persiapan menyambut kunjungan wisatawan asing dalm acara Wonderful Sail 2 besok di Desa Sudaji.
Prajuru Desa Adat Sudaji mereresik di Pura Kahyangan tiga, pengurus POKDARWIS yang dibantu anak-anak SD 3 Sudaji melakukan gotong royong di Lapangan Desa sudaji, sebagian di Ganda Meru, sebagian lagi menyiapkan panggung tempat pementasan seni.

Kerjasama yang sangat solid. Meskipun yang bergerak jumlahnya bisa dihitung dengan jari, mereka tetap semangat dan berharap agar masyarakat Desa Sudaji tergerak hatinya untuk ikut serta menjaga kebersihan desa kita.

# kami ingin menyelesaikan masalah tanpa harus membicarakan orang lain, namun kami berbicara untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang kami hadapi.


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